
Garden Diary - July 2024

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Summer Brings Berries
Monday, 2 July and Sunday, July 7, 2024

Though they have no passport, produce ships around the world collecting air miles as they go. Apples, citrus, bananas are a year-round option at the grocery store. Tomatoes in mid-winter . . . a tomato shaped vegetable product but without that satiny skin bursting with flavor and juice that summer brings.

Closer to this moment in time - corn is shipped up from Georgia, husks begining to dry. By the by - our weather has been dry-ish. Local corn looks stunted in the fields, leaves curling at the edges. And as I drive around I've only seen one field where the corn is tasseling up. I did find some local corn at Phillips Farm Market on Route 519 in Milford, New Jersey. Bought four ears at a pricey 95¢ each! We enjoyed the corn, then I used the cobs to make corn stock. Easy peasy. Break the cobs into 3 or 4 pieces, add some water to the pot, cover, and simmer for a couple of hours. The broth is lovely to use when cooking rice, gently poach vegetables, or as a soup base.

We really enjoy the soft fruits that come with late spring and summer.

Delicious strawberries at Phillips. They grow most produce themself, and it is so labeled.

Sweet, dark cherries, first of the stone fruits. And all of the bush fruits, best from a local source.
Above, half pints of red raspberries on left, black raspberries on right
Below, red currants and white currants on left, gooseberries on right


Long time favorite is Nagy's family orchard on Fairview Road in Kingwood, New Jersey.
They only offer for sale what they grow. Absolutely superb quality, and limited quantity.

Today I bought 2 quarts of blueberries, 1 quart of the sweet little Methly plums, and an eighth basket of yellow clingstone peaches. They're the first to ripen. Later will see freestone yellows and white fleshed peaches.

The delicious fruits that come with summer.

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